Escape 2 Happiness Island Book Launch & Birthday

Exciting News Alert!

In just 5 weeks, I’m launching my book and wellbeing program, “Escape 2 Happiness Island: Your Ultimate Guide to Relieve Stress and Feel Good!”

Get ready to embark on a journey to tranquility and joy. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a happier, healthier you! Stay tuned for updates and exclusive sneak peeks.

The event will be in the Royal Clarendon Hotel in Gravesend from 2pm to 4pm.

This idea of the book has been going on since 2009 and I am excited that it is complete and I also have a workbook and wellbeing programme to accompany it. Check back for more details.

#Escape2HappinessIsland #RelieveStress #FeelGood #WellbeingJourney #BookLaunch #CountdownBegins #Mindfulness #SelfCare #HappinessIsWithin #StayTuned

3 tips for finding joy in springtime even when you’re not feeling it initially:

Spend time with nature: Spring is a time of renewal and growth in nature. Even if you’re not naturally inclined to feel joy during this season, spending time outdoors and observing the beauty of blooming flowers, budding trees, and chirping birds can uplift your spirits. Take a walk in a park, visit a botanical garden, or simply sit in your backyard or balcony and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of spring.

Photo by Pixabay on
  • Practice being grateful: Sometimes, the simple act of focusing on what you’re grateful for can shift your perspective and help you find joy in the present moment. Make a list of things you appreciate about springtime, whether it’s the longer daylight hours, the warmer weather, or the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can help you notice the small joys that spring brings, even if you’re not initially feeling it.
  • Create Springtime Activities: This could involve anything from planting a garden, having a spring cleaning day, or indulging in seasonal treats like picnics or ice cream outings. By incorporating these rituals into your routine, you can create moments of joy and anticipation that are unique to this time of year.

Use your creativity and imagination to relieve stress Escape 2 Happiness Island Workbook:

Dive into tranquility this Stress Awareness Month!

 As April unfolds and it is stress awareness month, let’s embark on a journey together towards serenity and joy. Introducing my  “Escape 2 Happiness Island” workbook.  Ignite your senses and unlock boundless happiness as you craft your very own oasis of joy using the power of creativity and imagination.  Leave stress behind and step into a world where worries melt away like sand under your toes. With every page turned, discover new ways to cultivate peace and positivity.

Tapping into your creativity and imagination allows you to engage with the world in a meaningful and fulfilling way, promoting overall well-being and resilience in the face of stress.

Using your creativity and imagination can be incredibly effective in relieving stress for several reasons:

  1. Distraction from Stressful Thoughts: Engaging in creative activities shifts your focus away from stressors and negative thoughts. When you’re immersed in a creative task, your mind becomes absorbed in the present moment, giving you a break from worries and anxieties.
  • Outlet for Expression: Creativity provides a healthy outlet for expressing emotions. Whether it’s through art, writing, music, or any other creative medium, you have the opportunity to channel your feelings in a constructive way. This can help release pent-up tension and emotions, leading to a sense of relief and catharsis.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Completing a creative project, no matter how big or small, can give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This boost in self-esteem can counteract feelings of stress and helplessness, promoting a more positive mindset. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with us using #Escape2HappinessIsland! I  can’t wait to see the unique havens of happiness you create.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Engaging in creative activities  involves being fully present in the moment, similar to mindfulness practices. Whether you’re painting, writing, or crafting, you become deeply focused on the task at hand, which can induce a state of relaxation and calmness.
  • Exploration of Possibilities: Creativity encourages you to explore new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities. This openness to experimentation can broaden your outlook and help you find solutions to problems that may be causing stress. It encourages flexibility and adaptability, which are essential for coping with challenging situations.

  Order your “Escape 2 Happiness Island” workbook now and set sail towards your own paradise of well-being! ➡️ [Link to order:]

🎁 What You’ll Get by using this workbook🎁

  • Step-by-step exercises to define your ideal happiness island.
  • Daily practices to infuse happiness into your routine and relieve stress.
  • Visualization techniques to manifest your dreams.
  • Creative prompts to inspire your inner artist.
  • Strategies to overcome obstacles and maintain your joyful paradise.

You can also become a Happy Islander by joining my Facebook page

🔗 Order No

7 Tips on how to live your life intentionally

Living our lives intentionally means being conscious and deliberate about the choices we make, making sure that the actions we take are aligned  with our values and aspirations so that we can live a fulfilling. life.

Tips on how to live your life intentionally

  1. Setting Clear Goals: Intentional living starts with identifying our values, passions, and aspirations. We set clear, meaningful goals that align with these values and define what success looks like for us.

2. Making Conscious Choices: Intentional living requires us to be mindful of our decisions and actions. Instead of operating on autopilot or following the path of least resistance, we actively choose how to spend our time, energy, and resources based on what matters most to us.

3. Aligning Actions with Values: We strive to ensure that our daily actions and behaviors reflect our core values and priorities. This may involve saying no to activities or commitments that don’t align with our goals and saying yes to opportunities that bring us closer to our desired outcomes.

4. Cultivating Self-Awareness: Intentional living involves self-reflection and introspection to understand ourselves better. By cultivating self-awareness, we gain insights into our strengths, weaknesses, fears, and motivations, which allows us to make more informed choices and grow as individuals.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

5. Embracing Growth and Learning: Intentional living is a journey of continuous growth and learning. We embrace challenges, setbacks, and failures as opportunities for self-improvement and resilience, knowing that growth often occurs outside our comfort zones.

6. Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a key component of intentional living. By staying present in the moment and fully engaging with our experiences, we cultivate gratitude, resilience, and inner peace, enhancing our overall well-being.


7. Taking Responsibility: Intentional living involves taking full responsibility for our lives and acknowledging hat we have the power to shape our own destinies. Instead of blaming external circumstances or others for our shortcomings, we take ownership of our choices and actively work towards creating the life we desire.

The reason for me writing this blog is because the last 2 weeks I have been so stressed due to work burnout, and because I have just been living my life on auto pilot and also neglecting some parts of my life. The interesting thing is that I had just come back from a week’s holiday where I temporarily forgot about work and some challenges I was having with everyday life.  I remember opening my diary after my holidays and just got stressed when I realised the challenges I faced. Attending Tessy’s brunches on Saturday and hearing from Tessy herself and some amazing women, was what I needed  especially when Tessy reminded us about living our lives intentionally. Check out her page

If you need help with this just contact me for a free discovery session.

Coping with my work burnout- A journey of self-rediscovery and prioritizing self-care

This morning started off with a burst of positivity, but a glance at my diary instantly dampened my spirits. I have been working on a piece of work which has been, causing me stress and sleepless nights. As I boarded the train for work, tears welled up, and I felt utterly overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and then  emailed my manager to say I was not feeing too well to come to the office today.

Sitting on that train, I found myself lost in thought. Eventually, I made the decision to go back home. But not before indulging in some cake, treating myself to a lovely top, grabbing a bunch of flowers, and making a quick stop at McDonald’s, where I met  a lovelyl lady named Jeanette. Our impromptu chat felt like a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos. We exchanged numbers, and I left, thanking her for the unexpected camaraderie.

Turning to family member for support, I reached out to my cousin Claudette, who showered me with encouragement and support. She even shared a link to a song, “One Life,” which lifted my spirits.

Additionally, I sought solace in the virtual embrace of my Facebook friends, who flooded my page with kind words and positivity.

Today served as a stark reminder to me of the importance of self-care. I’ve been neglecting myself, burying myself in work to the point of exhaustion. It’s time for me to hit the pause button, recharge, and prioritize my well-being. Planning and organization are key; I must identify my strengths and weaknesses, seek help when needed, and take time  out time for breaks and activities that bring me joy, like hitting the gym and resuming my African dance class.

Moreover, I need to reassess my priorities. I’ve spread myself too thin, unable to say no and drowning in responsibilities. It’s imperative that I delegate tasks and leverage technology to streamline my workload, especially with the businesses I manage. If I don’t take this opportunity to recalibrate and prioritize self-care, I’ll continue to spiral into burnout.

So, if you too are suffering because of burnout, remember to pause, prioritize, and prioritize self-care above all else.

Single Parent- How to reclaim your Crown of Confidence

On this single parent day I want to encourage you too, to reclaim your Crown of Confidence which may have been temporarily knocked down as you navigate your journey though single parenthood..

Today is our day to shine brightly and wear our Crown of Confidence proudly! Single Parent Day is a celebration of our strengths, dedication, and unwavering love. Despite the challenges we may face, we must continue to persevere and provide the best for our children. Let’s embrace our journey, acknowledge your triumphs, and take a moment to celebrate our achievements.

Your resilience is inspiring, and you deserve every ounce of recognition and celebration. So stand tall, hold your head high, and know that you are truly incredible. Happy #SingleParentDay!

6  Tips to  help you reclaim your Crown of Confidence

1.Shattered Self-Esteem:. Reclaiming your crown is about recognizing that your worth is not defined by external circumstances or what others are saying about you.

2.Self Perception –  Reclaiming your crown involves reshaping your self-perception, acknowledging your strengths, uniqueness and embracing the journey you are on.

3.Reclaiming your crown of confidence has a ripple effect on those around you, especially your children. Continue to be a   positive role model, be real  and don’t pretend all is ok when it’s not,

4. Set healthy boundaries  especially with ex partner  and their families. Prioritize self-care and establish limits on what you can handle as this not only preserves your mental and emotional well-being but also reinforces your sense of control and confidence.

5.. Incorporating positive habits into your daily routine for you and your children can have a significant impact on rebuilding your confidence e,g  Mindfulness. Exercise, relaxation, meditation, writing what you are grateful for, quality time with children, and managing your time the  best  you can 6. Reflect on your  achievements:  Acknowledge even the smallest successes and pat yourself

6. Reflect on your  achievements:  Acknowledge even the smallest successes and pat yourself on the back for overcoming challenges. Celebrate and encourage your children.

My advise to you.- Reclaim your Crown of Confidence

Photo by Monstera Production on

In the intricate dance of single parenthood, reclaiming your Crown of Confidence is not a luxury but a necessity. It is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment. By recognizing the power within, establishing boundaries, and embracing your unique qualities, recognising that you are not only, and seeking support with  Asian Single Parents you can  transform your  life and become a beacon of inspiration and hope for others especially your children.

Reclaiming your Crown of Confidence is a powerful declaration that you are not just surviving you are thriving with confidence.  It is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and self-love.

Remember, you are not alone, and your journey is a testament to your extraordinary strength and determination. Put on your Crown of Confidence proudly, for you have earned it through your unwavering commitment to yourself and your children.

Let’s put on our Crown of Confidence and be the best single parent we can.

Photo by Brett Sayles on

Sing with me – Feel Confident, Feel Confident, Every da I feel confident. When I wake up in the morning I feel Confident, When I look in the mirror I feel Confident, When I  am bringing up my children I feel Confident, Feel Confident, Feel Confident, every day I feel Confident.

Thanks for taking time to read this blog, “Reclaim Your Crown of Confidence.” Remember, the journey to reclaiming your confidence doesn’t end here—it’s a lifelong endeavor filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. But you are not alone. Through my “Reclaim Your Confidence” coaching program, I offer personalized guidance, support, and tools to help you navigate the challenges of single parenthood with grace and resilience. Together, we’ll unlock your full potential, empower you to embrace your inherent worth, and help you build a brighter, more confident future for both you and your children.

So let’s embark on this transformative journey together, today and every day beyond Single Parent Day. You deserve to reclaim your crown of confidence and thrive in the beautiful chaos of single parenthood.

My services to help you reclaim your Crown of Confidence

Coaching Sessions

One-on-one coaching sessions to offer personalized guidance and support as individuals  or small groups to help navigate the journey of single parenting.


Photo by Colon Freld on

Events, Workshops and Retreats:

In person or virtual workshops and retreats to delve deeper into specific topics covered in this guide and to provide space for you  to connect, learn, and engage with others going through this journey of single parenting.

Connect with me

Email :

Single Parent to Empty Nest: My Uncharted Journey

I embark on a new chapter in my life; a journey that I never expected but am ready to embrace with open arms as Genny Jones aka Confident Queen.  As I transition from the phase of single parenting to the uncharted territory of an empty nest, I am filled with a mix of emotions, excitement, and a touch of nostalgia. The journey of single parenting has been both challenging and rewarding. I have learned the true meaning of strength, resilience, and unconditional love. It’s a journey that has shaped me into the person I am today, and for that, I am grateful and thankful to God, my two boys, family, and friends.

As a single parent, my focus has been on providing a stable and loving environment for my children, guiding them through life’s ups and downs, and witnessing their growth into remarkable young men I am so proud of.

Now, as I stand at the threshold of the empty nest phase, I can’t help but reflect on the beautiful moments shared within the walls of our home. The laughter, the tears, the milestones – all woven into the fabric of our family story. Yet, just as seasons change, so do the chapters of our lives. The time has come for my children to spread their wings and embark on their own journeys, and I couldn’t be prouder.

This uncharted territory is both thrilling and unknown, but I am ready to rediscover myself. The empty nest isn’t an end; it’s a new beginning. It’s an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of dreams that may have taken a back seat during the busy years of parenthood. As Confident Queen, I am embracing this next phase  and stepping into it with my invisible crown of confidence, filled with excitement and anticipation of the great experiences awaiting me.

I am grateful for the support of everyone who has been a part of my journey so far.  There encouragement, love, and understanding have been my pillars of strength. As I navigate this uncharted territory, I invite you to join me, share your wisdom, and celebrate the possibilities that lie ahead.

Here’s to the next phase of my life – a journey of self-discovery, newfound freedom, and endless possibilities. Thank you for being a part of my story, and let’s embrace the uncharted with confidence and enthusiasm. Cheers to the next chapter.

My services to help you with this next chapter-

“ Empty Nest Empowerment: Supporting Single Parents Through the Transition”

Coaching Sessions:

One-on-one coaching sessions to offer personalized guidance and support as individuals navigate their unique journeys.


Events, Workshops and Retreats: In person or virtual workshops and retreats to delve deeper into specific topics covered in this guide and to provide space for you  to connect, learn, and engage with others going through this sa,e journey.

Check out my website

Connect with me on social media

Email :

International Day of Happiness – Happier Together’.

International Day of Happiness aims to celebrate the happiness that exists all over the world, even if it is measured in different ways. This day is meant to be inspiring to people to spread positivity, whether big or small, with others and encouraging each nation to prioritize the happiness of its citizens.

Each  year there  is a theme chosen.  For this year  2024 International Day of Happiness theme  is ‘Happier Together’. This theme serves as a poignant reminder that enduring happiness stems from our connections with others and our involvement in something greater than ourselves.

At this time of uncertainty and conflict, this year’s ‘Happier Together’ theme reminds us that lasting happiness comes from feeling connected to others and being part of something bigger.” Action for happiness. Check the website for resources, events and how you too can beinvolved-

How it started.
The General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution document of 12 July 2012 proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world and the importance of their recognition in public policy objectives.

.International Day of Happiness (3)

Reclaim your Crown of Confidence #SingleParent

Being a single parent is a role filled with challenges and responsibilities that can sometimes feel overwhelming. The emotional toll of navigating parenthood alone, coupled with the societal pressures and personal insecurities, can often leave you feeling as if you’ve lost your sense of self. In these moments, it becomes imperative to embark on a journey to reclaim your Crown of Confidence.

A bit of my story – my journey to reclaiming my Crown of Confidence
Life’s unpredictable nature often throws challenges our way, and I’ve encountered my fair share of obstacles. Despite facing a tumultuous period in 2003, marked by divorce, job loss, and overwhelming debts, I refused to let these hardships define me. At rock bottom, I found myself a single parent, tasked with the care of two precious toddlers. My self-esteem was shattered, and facing my reflection became a daunting task. Behind closed doors, I battled tears of sadness, but I also summoned the courage to overcome.

A pivotal moment occurred when my mother earnestly expressed, “I want to see my daughter smile again.” This heartfelt plea ignited a fire and passion within me. Determined to turn my life around, I sought help and embarked on a transformative journey. Part of this process involved creating my persona, Confident Queen – a modern-day superhero with a mission to uplift both children and adults through confidence-building sessions, with a special focus on supporting single parents in reclaiming their crown of confidence.

In 2012, I seized the opportunity to showcase my journey on Britain’s Got Talent. The experience was nothing short of amazing, as I captivated the audience and earned positive responses from all the judges. This platform opened doors for me to extend my reach and help numerous individuals experience joy and happiness.

Photo by Dellon Thomas on

Top tips to help you reclaim your  Crown of Confidence

Self-Reflection and Acceptance:

    a Begin by acknowledging and accepting your current situation. Understand that being a single parent does not define your worth.

    b. Reflect on your journey, recognizing the strengths and skills you’ve developed along the way. Embrace the unique qualities that make you an exceptional parent.

    Building a Support Network:

    a. Seek support from friends, family, and local community groups. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can provide emotional encouragement and practical assistance.

    b. Join single parent support groups or online communities where you can share experiences, gain advice, and realize that you are not alone in your challenges. For me being a member Gingerbread, Single Mums Business Network has really helped in both my personal and professional world. Connecting with the Asian Single Parent’s network has also helped me to meet people outside of my community and the founder Aruna gave me the opportunity to speak on this theme during their event for which I am grateful for.

    Prioritize Self-Care: Look after yourself

    a. Schedule regular self-care routines. Allocate time for activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and a sense of well-being.

    b. Don’t neglect physical health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep contribute significantly to your overall well-being.

    Set Realistic Goals:

    a. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable tasks. Celebrate small victories along the way to boost your confidence.

    b. Focus on what you can control, and let go of unrealistic expectations. Recognize that perfection is not attainable, and it’s okay to ask for help.

    Rediscovering Your Identity:

    a. Reconnect with your passions and interests that may have taken a back seat during your parenting journey. Rediscovering your identity outside of parenthood is essential.

    b. Invest time in personal development. Whether it’s pursuing education, learning a new skill, or engaging in hobbies, continuous growth fosters confidence.

    Positive Affirmations:

    a. Create a list of positive affirmations tailored to your strengths and goals. Repeat these affirmations daily to reinforce a positive mindset.

    b. Challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Replace self-doubt with statements that affirm your capabilities and resilience.

    • Celebrate your Achievements:

    a. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognizing your successes reinforces a positive self-image.

    b. Keep a journal to document your achievements and moments of strength. Reflecting on these victories during challenging times can be a powerful motivator.

    Photo by Pixabay on

    Manage your time

    a. Develop a realistic and flexible schedule. Efficient time management helps reduce stress and ensures you have time for both responsibilities and self-care.

    b. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Break down larger tasks into manageable steps to make them more achievable.

    Fostering Positive Relationships:

    a. Surround yourself and your children with positive influences. Cultivate relationships that uplift and support your family’s well-being.

    b. Communicate openly with your children about your journey, involving them in age-appropriate discussions. Building a supportive family environment contributes to overall confidence.

    Seek Professional Help When Needed:

      a. Don’t hesitate to seek therapy or counseling if you find yourself struggling with emotional challenges. Professional guidance can offer valuable tools for overcoming obstacles.

      b. Consider consulting financial advisors or career counselors to help you navigate challenges related to income and career advancement.

      Using some of the tips and incorporating positive habits into your daily routine can have a significant impact on rebuilding your confidence so that you too can reclaim your Crown of Confidence.

      Do email me if you need help and support to Reclaim your Crown of Confidence.

      Simple worksheet on how to find your purpose.

      I was inspired to share this as I am attending this year’s World Happiness Summit where  “purpose” is this year’s theme.  I am grateful and thankful for a wonderful lady who made it possible to attend, reminds me that there are still good people around.

      This is the statement that goes with the theme “ Purpose is the guiding force that imparts direction to meaning. It is a powerful motivator in our personal and professional lives because it drives our actions. By pursuing one’s purpose, we take action to fulfill our live’s meaning. A clear sense of purpose can foster resilience, reduce stress, bolster self-esteem, and improve overall wellbeing. Moreover, it fuels our contribution to the community and society, leading to increased connection and happiness. Come explore your purpose at ‘WOHASU 2024

      Finding your purpose is a journey, so be patient with yourself and allow for exploration and growth along the way.

      How to find your purpose

      The Find Your Purpose” worksheet  below is designed to help guide you through the process of self-reflection and exploration. Feel free to print it out or use it digitally to jot down your thoughts and insights.

      Tips on how to use this worksheet

      Find a quiet place and a time when you can focus on this and you don’t have to complete in one day. I found it helped when I did this in the early hours of the morning, as it’s quiet and calm and I  gained more clarity.

      Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

      1. Reflection on Values and Passions:

      1. What activities or experiences bring you the most joy and fulfillment?
      2. List three things you are deeply passionate about.
      3. Reflect on your core values and beliefs. What principles guide your decisions and actions in life?

      2. Strengths and Talents Assessment:

      • Identify your unique skills, talents, and strengths.
      • List at least three activities or tasks you excel at.
      • How can you leverage these strengths to make a positive impact?

      3. Overcoming Challenges:

      1. Think about past challenges or setbacks you’ve faced.
      2. How have these experiences shaped you?
      3. What lessons have you learned from overcoming adversity?

      4. Envisioning Impact:

      1. Imagine the type of impact you aspire to make in the world.
      2. How do you want to contribute to positive change or make a difference?
      3. What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

      5. Sources of Inspiration and Motivation:

      1. Identify people, stories, or experiences that inspire and motivate you.
      2. What qualities do these sources of inspiration possess?
      3. How can you incorporate these qualities into your own life and purpose?

      6. Ideal Lifestyle Reflection:

      1. Imagine  your ideal lifestyle, considering factors such as career, relationships, health, and personal fulfilment.
      2. How does your purpose align with this vision of a fulfilling life?

      7. Action Plan:

      1. Based on your reflections, list three concrete actions you can take to explore and pursue your purpose further.
      2. Set timelines and deadlines for these actions to hold yourself accountable.

      8. Reflection and Review:

      1. Periodically revisit your answers to these questions to track your progress and reflect on any changes or insights.
      2. Update your action plan as needed to stay aligned with your evolving understanding of your purpose.

      I hope that by completing this “Find Your Purpose” worksheet, you too can gain deeper insight into yourself, clarify your values and passions, and take meaningful steps toward living a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

      If you need mor help with this email me

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